Whether it’s the coming of spring or a new start in your life, experiencing that sensation of ‘emerging from hibernation’ can be exciting and refreshing. Staying in the same consistent grooves during a long period of time can make you feel sluggish and mentally lethargic, especially if it’s been winter. With that, motivation wanes and it can be tough to get yourself back on track. If you’re in need of that energy boost to take you out of hibernation, you’re not alone. Aromatherapy oils are one of the best ways to lift you up and put that all-important spring back in your step, helping you to prepare both your mind and body for the day ahead.
Tisserand’s Energy Boost blend is up there with some of the best new blends at the moment. Building on Tisserand’s previous Energy High blend, this new combination uses the same oils in different ratios. Combining a citrus boost in order to make the most of the naturally supercharged properties, Energy Boost contains even more orange than before, on top of some additional grapefruit. If that sounds like a lot, that’s because it is! This Energy Boost blend has the real potential of refreshing and revitalising your body and mind, alerting your sense and providing you with that additional motivation that you may have been missing. At the end of the day, there’s nothing like citrus to give you that extra 10%.
About citrus
Every citrus blend retrieves its citrus blend through expression, a process in which the fruit has been pressed in order to release oil from the rinds. The citrus family is named Rutaceae and has its origins all the way back in the tropical regions of Asia. While many may think that citrus was a new discovery for Europeans when they ventured out, the fruits were actually introduced into Europe until 1200BC. For centuries, citrus fruits, along with other modern staples, were considered a luxury reserved for the wealthy.
The blend broken down
A burst of delight is the perfect way to describe Energy Boost, thanks to that pulsating aroma of juicy citrus. Let’s be honest, we’ve all had those juicy oranges during the summertime that instantly lift our mood. Orange and Citrus sinensis really is one of the standout oils in this new blend, providing an undeniably wonderful sweet smell. After all, orange, sunshine and vitality are all inherently linked, which in turn means your fragrance can lift you out of a mood.
It doesn’t stop there though – this blend is complemented by the revitalisation that comes with lime, supplying a decisive and pleasing note to the whole combination. With this, you’ll recall innocence and sweet smells, helping to encourage a get-up and go attitude.
To top things off, grapefruit provides a uniquely tangy and delightful smell. When you’re stuck in your head or feeling those moments of being overwhelmed, this grapefruit aroma could give you the helping hand you need to feel calmness, contentment and the ability to push through distractions.
As with the all-natural lift you can get from being in the sunshine, the blend within Energy Boost will add another layer of energy to your air diffuser, helping you to stay both motivated and energised.
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