Cannabis plants are incredibly complicated. They’re made up of over 100 different compounds known as cannabinoids, each responsible for different effects. While researchers have only recently started studying them, one compound in particular is showing promise in regard to what it can do for us.
Of course, we’re talking about CBD or cannabidiol. You might already know a thing or two about what CBD is capable of. From treating epilepsy to reducing anxiety, fighting inflammation, and more, cannabidiol is purported to be quite the cure. That said, learning all the nuances of CBD is no small task.
To help you get started, the following guide provides an introduction to the different methods of taking CBD.
What to Look For
Regardless of how you take it, there are a couple of factors that you should keep in mind when looking for CBD.
This includes whether the product is classified as broad or full spectrum CBD. Distillate and isolate oils are the alternative, but they don’t provide the entire range of health benefits. On the other hand, full spectrum oils contain all of the cannabinoids in the plant, while broad-spectrum oils contain most bar THC.
With the lack of FDA regulation, CBD buyers need to practice extra due diligence when shopping around. It’s important that you check whether the oil has been lab-tested by a third party. This will give you a clearer picture of what the product contains. You should also stick to organic cannabis that’s grown in the U.S., where regulations are stronger.
The first and perhaps most discreet way to take CBD is with edibles. These come in a variety of tasty forms, such as gummies, brownies, truffles, and mints. The latter do a great job at masking the taste. Alternatively, if you are looking for a more discreet and tasteless option, then you may want to try CBD capsules. These look just like any other typical supplement. If you are looking for a THC-free, vegan friendly option, then why not purchase them from Cannacares at
Keep in mind that this method can take up to two hours to work and is subject to the “first pass effect.” This is when the CBD is partially broken down by your digestive system, leaving between 20% to 30% of the compound available for absorption.
Edibles are often loaded with sugar and preservatives, so you may want to try a sublingual instead. These typically come in the form of tinctures, which are tiny drops of oil that you place under your tongue. This way, more of the CBD is made available and the effect is felt sooner.
Another option is topicals, which are designed to be applied directly to your skin. From CBD-infused balms to lotions, creams, gels and more, there are many topicals on the market today. They are particularly useful for treating skin conditions like eczema.
Vaping and Smoking
Finally, CBD can be smoked just like its popular psychoactive cousin. Whether in a joint or with a vaporizer that contains a cartridge loaded with CBD oil, smoking provides a much faster effect and you’ll absorb from 34% to 56% of the CBD. The jury’s still out on how safe this method is, so it’s best to approach with caution.
There’s no right or best way to take CBD oil. It’s a good idea to try different methods to see what works best for you.
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