If you have a trip to Grandma and Grandpa’s on the agenda for your kids this summer, it can be worth everyone’s time and mental health to prepare your kids properly for this visit. Without proper preparation, your kids could wind up having a hard time with their grandparents or your parents could have a challenging time with your kids.
To keep any of these things from happening during this time and ensure that your kids enjoy spending time with their grandparents while they are still in their own home and not an assisted living facility, here are three ways to prepare your kids for a visit to their grandparents.
Make Sure The Home Is Ready For Them
Depending on the age of your kids, your parents might need to make some changes to their home so that it’s safe and ready for them. Otherwise, your kids might be uncomfortable or even in danger when staying at their grandparents’ house.
If your kids are little, you may want to remind your parents about childproofing and keeping certain cleaning products put away where your kids can’t get them. Additionally, if your parents have a lot of breakable items on display in their home, encouraging them to put these away while the kids are there could be a good idea. And if your kids are used to things like sleeping with nightlights or eating specific foods during the day, helping your parents prepare with these things will also be incredibly helpful for everyone.
Try To Keep Your Rules The Same
At your house, your kids are likely very used to the way things work and the rules that you have. But when at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, things might be different for them
If you can manage it, try to speak with your parents about the rules that you have at home and ask if your parents are willing to keep those same rules when your kids are visiting them. This way, your kids will better be aware of the expectations for them and won’t have to worry as much about getting used to a new way of doing things when they will really only be at their grandparents’ home for a short period of time.
Help Them Remember Important Contact Info
In case of an emergency, it’s vital that your kids know the contact information for your parents while they are there.
If your kids are older, go over with them their grandparents’ names, phone numbers, and address. For younger kids, write down this information for them in a few different places so that they can give the information to someone if it becomes necessary.
If you’re going to be sending your kids off to spend time with their grandparents this summer, consider using the tips mentioned above to help everyone prepare for this adventure.
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