If your child has started taking piano lessons, their first big chance to show everyone what he or she has been learning will come in the form of their first piano recital. But while you might be excited for your child to take center stage and show everyone how all their hard work has paid off, your child might be quite nervous about the whole experience.
To help ensure that your child is ready for their first big performance, here are three ways to prepare them for their first piano recital.
Consider A Duet
For many kids, taking the stage all by themselves might be too much for them to handle at first. To combat this, you might want to suggest that your child’s first recital contains a duet of some kind.
According to PianoPower.org, many children are much more comfortable doing a duet with their teacher for their first experience in a recital setting. This can take a lot of pressure off your child while still allowing him or her to show off what they can do and what they’ve learned over their months of practice. If this sounds like something your child would be interested in, consider speaking with their piano teacher as soon as possible to see if this would be a possibility.
Physically Prepare A Few Days Before
Because a recital setting can be a lot of pressure and excitement for kids, it’s wise to start really preparing them physically in the few days leading up to their recital.
Some of the best ways to do this, according to Benjamin Roussey, a contributor to MerriamMusic.com, is to ensure that your child is getting plenty of sleep and eating healthy foods. By getting adequate rest, your child will be much better able to fight off anxiety and stress as well as perform at their best. And by choosing to eat healthy foods rather than loading up on sugar, your child will be better able to relax and have a calm mind as they contemplate their upcoming recital and music.
Practice Breathing Along With The Music
While most children will spend weeks or months practicing their music for their piano recital, what many teachers and parents fail to prepare their children for is how to breathe while playing their piece.
Especially when your child is nervous, it might be hard for him or her to breathe evenly while playing the piano. So to make sure your child is able to stay calm mentally and physically, Suzy S. of TakeLessons.com recommends that you have your child practice breathing along with the music they’re playing for their performance.
If your child has their first piano recital coming up, consider using the tips mentioned above to help prepare him or her for this big event.
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